Sunday, 25 July 2010

Self portrait after around 5 and 3/4 hours. I need to be careful not to work too much into it but at the moment I think it still has a bit of freshness about it.

Self portrait

Self portrait after about 2 and a half hours, you can still see the green underpainting. I kind of like the  unfinished quality of the painting at the moment but I'd like to see how accurate I can paint this one so I'll carry on with it.                                                                                                      

Friday, 23 July 2010

Monday, 19 July 2010


I didn't really realise the enormity of my task until I was sitting there opposite Spriggs. If I ever had to do a good job of a drawing this was it. I put on some muse to get us both relaxed and I just got stuck into it (the drawing not spriggs.) I hope I did you all proud and prints will be available for anyone who wants to take a memento of spriggs away to university with them. The original is also up for sale for any die hard spriggs fans.
Just thought I'd put this picture up whilst I am waiting for Spriggs to come and do some modelling for me. I am all prepped and I'm thinking about using a couple of pastels on this one just to bring a bit of life into it. And of course I might put the odd subliminal apple in there as well. 

Sunday, 4 July 2010


A landscape from 'Luke's Moor' a place that is a memorial to a neighbour's son who died tragically young. It is a really beautiful place with spectacular views, I didn't really do it justice here but the light was very strange that day.

Friday, 2 July 2010

Life Drawing 1/7

Fate decided that I would do a drawing of the model's back last night and I am pleased it did so because it gave me a chance to vary the style of the marks I made. Rogers muscular physique was challenging to draw but interesting to put together. I think that perhaps the proportions are slightly out and next time I will have to look at the model as a whole but here the proportions work.

About Me

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Huddersfield, United Kingdom
Young artist currently studying at the Byam Shaw School of Art...Watch this space for any enquiries.
