Sunday, 21 November 2010

various pictures from the first 2 months of foundation

Here are a few pictures from various projects undertaken at Byam Shaw over t'past couple of months, loads more photos to come once I get round to it. Unfortunately my memory stick was lost in the post so it might take me a while to get the pictures but I will get them eventually!! Apologies for the massive delay since the last post on here, I've just been too busy to think about blogging and there was the slight technical problem of not having a computer until 2 weeks ago (thanks mum).

This wax scultpure is a piece for my most recent project 'Sci-Art'. I've been looking at cybernetics (mixing humans and machines) and asking questions about where this is taking evolution and the moral problems asociated with it. This piece is a study for 3 paintings I'm about to start next week.

Camouflage project + subsequent painting from it.

Here are a couple of transcription drawings from the Rubens painting 'Samson + Delilah'

Spacial construction. The brief was to bridge some sort of gap in space so I looked at the gap between inside and out.

Still life of some tea cakes. mmm

About Me

My photo
Huddersfield, United Kingdom
Young artist currently studying at the Byam Shaw School of Art...Watch this space for any enquiries.
